Ryuta Imafuku

Keynote Speaker

Ryuta Imafuku

Keynote Speaker


Crítico cultural e professor emérito de Antropologia e Estudos Culturais da Graduate School of Global Studies da Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. É um importante pensador do Japão contemporâneo, que continua a estimular o pensamento por meio da reflexão antropológico-cultural sobre literatura, comunicação, arte, fotografia, futebol, etc. Desde 2002, tem coordenado o projeto Amami Free University, uma universidade espontânea ao ar livre no arquipélago de Amami, Japão. Com passagens pelo Brasil como professor visitante do Centro de Estudos Japoneses da Universidade de São Paulo (2000) e Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2003), tem contribuído constantemente para o desenvolvimento dos Estudos Culturais no Brasil, e para a difusão de estudos sobre o Brasil no exterior.

Sua bibliografia inclui: The Heterology of Culture (A Heterologia da Cultura), Technology of the Wild (Tecnologia do Selvagem), Sensory Angels (Anjos Sensoriais), Mínima Gracia: History and Craving, Archipel-Monde, La Gramática Parda (A Gramática Parda), Homo Ludens in Brazil (Homo Ludens no Brasil), Half-Breed , e mais recentemente, Jorge Luis Borges: A Dreaming Tiger in the Labyrinth (Jorge Luis Borges: Um Tigre Sonhador no Labirinto).

Ryuta Imafuku is a cultural critic and professor emeritus of Anthropology and Cultural Studies at the Graduate School of Global Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. He is an important thinker of contemporary Japanese Philosophy who stimulates thinking through an anthropological-cultural approach to literature, communication, art, photography, soccer. Since 2002 he coordinates the project Amami Free University, a spontaneous open-air university in the archipelago of Amami, Japan. He was in Brazil as a Visiting Professor at the Center for Japanese Studies at the University of São Paulo (2000) and the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (2003). Since then, he has constantly contributed to the development of Cultural Studies in Brazil and Brazil abroad studies’ promotion.

His main books are The Heterology of Culture; Technology of the Wild; Sensory Angels, Minimal Gracia: History and Craving, Archipel-Monde, La Gramática Parda, Homo Ludens in Brazil, Half-Breed, and more recently, Jorge Luis Borges: A Dreamy Tiger in the Labyrinth. Not all of them have been published in English.